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Art of Sacred Ritual and Shamanic Ceremony Program

  • 30 Steps


Now is the time for massive Transformation - will you heed the call?? Living a Shamanic Way is a daily choice to connect with respect and gratitude to Mother Earth - our Sacred Pachamama. As a conscious soul, I know that you have heard the voice of the ancestors calling you to connect with their wisdom so that they may support your spiritual journey. Review :Lovely course about Shamanic Ceremonies. I loved especially the movies about the rituals in nature and the meditation" I welcome you to my Community of Shamanic Journeyors - those who are committed to living bigger lives, more wholesome lives, and make a difference in this beautiful world of ours. When we live our life with curiosity, question and consciousness, we will awaken our innate gifts, our soul gifts, intuition and be a greater contribution to others. When we live our life "knowing" we are connected to everyone and everything - then we can begin to live a life of shamanic practice. When I began to live my life using these practices, I let go of my attachments to others, my obligations to others, my expectations to be "like" every body else. Now is the time, the time for us to clear and heal the past, to let go of what doesn't serve us and to open our hearts to become ONE with the Universe. The meditations, practices and rituals within this program will support you as you discover who you really are, let go of who you are not and access other wisdom from the other worlds that existed before us. Please enjoy this program and every step of your journey. Please note your access to this program ends 6 months from registration, so please make sure you get through all the juicy content before then!!

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