Have you been looking for...
A way to expand your spiritual journey safely?
Grounding rituals to take into your daily life?
A deeper connection to self, soul and self love?
An authentic process to allow your soul to evolve naturally?
A way to integrate ancient ceremony but not sure where to go?
A way to invite soul medicine into your heart and be deeply transformed over a weekend of loving connection, sacred cacao and restorative ceremony?
Into the Heart Women's Retreat
is your invitation to embrace all facets of you!
A courageous heart opens and gently leans into the unknown allowing more opportunities, more possibilities and more love in.
Do you have a courageous heart?
As we grow and gain wisdom, our quest to find ourselves become more important. As we discard the roles, labels and belief systems of the past, we find ourselves asking the questions;
"who am I" &
What is my purpose?"
We naturally begin to seek rituals, ceremony's and practices to heal the past and to connect with the power within and around us.
Quite simply, we seek the essence of who we truly be.
When we work with ritual, ceremony and other sacred practices, we begin a lifelong journey of self discovery, self awareness and self love.
We begin, the "journey into the heart".
nice to meet you!
I'm Natalie
My spiritual services are grounded, safe and authentic. They are for those who truly desire to transform their life, shift their relationships, receive clear guidance, release what doesn't serve and heal.
I am living proof that the journey into the heart, makes it possible for you to shift your vibration, release old patterns and stories, and weave your soul back to wholeness.
here's what ya get
Experience a healing space of women supporting each other as you step into your own self-care space and connect with a group of kind, light hearted women, all ready for a path towards a more conscious and self-loving life.
Join Natalie on a journey of self discovery, loving connection and restorative ceremony.
Each day unfolds with a beautiful heart-expanding guided meditation and cacao ceremony followed by a
connection ritual and heart healings.
We will explore how to develop a self practice and truly connect to our hearts and souls.
Luxury Accomodation, organic meals, and take home nurture pack.
Overcome fears, self doubts and self consciousness through transformational ceremonies on
expanding your heart and stepping into your self love rituals.
Meditation, massage, movement and healing ceremony's all weekend long.
Day 1
Powerful sage clearing ceremony upon arrival.
A gentle and heart opening blue lotus tea ceremony to invite us to let go of the labels we hold, minimise distractions of everyday life and mastering how to connect within, rather than getting drawn into the dramas of what’s going on around us
Guided mediation and intention setting practice
Heart Ritual, to explore how to develop a self practice truly connect to our hearts and find our "Calm Heart"
Learn how to find your ever-expanding heart and inner calm again through connection, a nurturing environment and self care practices.
Fireside feminine flow movement session with ancient chanting and mantras to activate and find your soul voice
day one
Day 2
Enjoy a sacred Cacao journey with Energy Healing
Be nurtured with an aromatherapy massage and "serenity healing session
Afternoon Despacho and Fire Ceremony where a bundle of sacred offerings are given to Pachamama to help us manifest our dreams and visions
Receive a powerful opportunity to be guided through a Fire and Power Animal Meditation around the open fire.
day two
Day 3
Heart opening meditation and journalling exercise
Take some sacred time to enjoy the journey, allow it to integrate and reflect on your expansion
Receive the Sacred 13th Rite of the womb in a gentle water ceremony
Finishing the day with a "playshop" to weave together all our healing and learnings from the retreat and a heart felt Sharing Circle
day three
what they're saying
When I received the Womb Rite, I felt every cell in my body vibrating and I knew that the healing had begun!
This retreat will allow you to sit with you, really sit with you and discover just how amazing you are. I now have a deeper connection with myself, others and with the world.
Miss T
Miss R
An incredible retreat that will be part of my heart for a very long time. Nat holds safe, sacred space.
Miss C
Dates 2023
19-21st August
From $1297
Women only Retreat
Choose either ​$1297 shared room or $1897 private room
Arrival – 10am on Sat 19th Aug
Departure - 2pm Mon 21st Aug
Registrations close 3pm on 17/8/23