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Conscious Entrepreneur Business Program

  • 37Steps


This program is a mini exploration into how working with energy and your business guides can give you greater insight, vision and clarity in your business I know old school marketing does not work! I know that some programs are too long winded and tie up your time when you could be doing what you love! Making a difference! This program will show you "How will to create your business consciously" to navigate business strategies and energy tools to consciously create your business and achieve your business goals. How can you and your business contribute more to others? How can others contribute more to you and your business? Who is your ideal clients? chances are they are a lot like you! What is your why? Why do you do what you do? Want to make a difference? Create freedom for yourself and others? Have more time with Family? Have a better work/life balance? VALUED $997 Intro offer $67.00 Welcome to my world x Natalie

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